Monday, March 23, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020

Older veterans and COVID-19; some precautions

This is far off-topic as to Tesla cars.
A majority of my friends, like me, flew the Air Force C-123 transports after Vietnam, planes the USAF used to spray Agent Orange. We've already had a cocktail of toxic exposures in life, and now here comes this COVID-19 virus to add its miseries to the mess. 

Bummer, but that's it and we'll just have to deal with it. You've all faced worse challenges and you might be old...but you're old and you're ornery, even out of a flight suit.
We need to take even more seriously than others the precautions recommended by our health officials. I'm going to stress the steps I believe we must follow. If you have instructions from your own physician, of course obey them faithfully.

TDIU = actual VA disability rating

A previous director of the Colorado Division of Military and Veterans Affairs once pointed out to me that one reason Colorado denies TDIU ve...